Dat Ngo (응오닷)

Assistant Professor
datngo (at) ut.ac.kr
Department of Computer Engineering
Korea National University of Transportation, Republic of Korea

Schedule an appointment(상담하러 가기)


  • I am recruiting Master and Ph.D. students in Republic of Korea to research digital image processing, FPGA prototyping, SoC design, and embedded system design. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions!


I am a computer scientist driven by a passion for advancing knowledge in cutting-edge technologies. I am striving to make noteworthy contributions to academia and research.

• Bachelor Degree Computer Engineering, Danang University of Science and Technology 2016
• Master Degree Electronics Engineering, Dong-A University 2018
• Ph.D. Degree Electronics Engineering, Dong-A University 2022
• Postdoctoral Researcher Department of Electronics Engineering, Dong-A University 2022.03. ~ 2022.11.
• Research Professor CHA Bio Complex (Pangyo Techno Valley), CHA University 2022.12. ~ 2024.02.
• Assistant Professor Korea National University of Transportation 2024.03. ~ present
Research interests
• Machine learning/Deep learning
• Digital signal and video processing
• Biosignal and bioimage analysis
• SoC and MPSoC design
• Embedded system design
Research output
• 17 first-authored SCIE papers
• 4 KCI papers
• 3 international conference papers
• 8 patents in Republic of Korea

Table of Content

Awards and Honors

  1. Gold Medal in the Regional Olympic Contest in Physics. 2008. Vietnam.

  2. Second Prize, National Physics Contest. 2010. Vietnam.

  3. Valedictorian. 2016. Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, The University of Danang, Vietnam.

  4. Excellent Paper Award. 2017. Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers (IEIE), Republic of Korea.

  5. Excellent Paper Award. 2021. Graduate School of Dong-A University, Republic of Korea.

Journal Papers

  1. Dat Ngo, Gi-Dong Lee, Bongsoon Kang. 2019. A 4K-Capable FPGA Implementation of Single Image Haze Removal Using Hazy Particle Maps. Applied Sciences, 9(17), 3443.
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  2. Dat Ngo, Gi-Dong Lee, Bongsoon Kang. 2019. Improved Color Attenuation Prior for Single-Image Haze Removal. Applied Sciences, 9(19), 4011.
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  3. Dat Ngo, Seungmin Lee, Bongsoon Kang. 2020. Robust Single-Image Haze Removal Using Optimal Transmission Map and Adaptive Atmospheric Light. Remote Sensing, 12(14), 2233.
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  4. Dat Ngo, Seungmin Lee, Quoc-Hieu Nguyen, Tri Minh Ngo, Gi-Dong Lee, Bongsoon Kang. 2020. Single Image Haze Removal from Image Enhancement Perspective for Real-Time Vision-Based Systems. Sensors, 20(18), 5170.
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  5. Dat Ngo, Seungmin Lee, Gi-Dong Lee, Bongsoon Kang. 2020. Single-Image Visibility Restoration: A Machine Learning Approach and Its 4K-Capable Hardware Accelerator. Sensors, 20(20), 5795.
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  6. Dat Ngo, Seungmin Lee, Tri Minh Ngo, Gi-Dong Lee, Bongsoon Kang. 2021. Visibility Restoration: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sensors, 21(8), 2625.
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  7. Dat Ngo, Gi-Dong Lee, Bongsoon Kang. 2021. Haziness Degree Evaluator: A Knowledge-Driven Approach for Haze Density Estimation. Sensors, 21(11), 3896.
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  8. Dat Ngo, Bongsoon Kang. 2021. Taylor-Series-Based Reconfigurability of Gamma Correction in Hardware Designs. Electronics, 10(16), 1959.
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  9. Dat Ngo, Seungmin Lee, Gi-Dong Lee, Bongsoon Kang. 2021. Automating a Dehazing System by Self-Calibrating on Haze Conditions. Sensors, 21(19), 6373.
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  10. Dat Ngo, Seungmin Lee, Ui-Jean Kang, Tri Minh Ngo, Gi-Dong Lee, Bongsoon Kang. 2022. Adapting a Dehazing System to Haze Conditions by Piece-Wisely Linearizing a Depth Estimator. Sensors, 22(5), 1957.
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  11. Seungmin Lee, Dat Ngo, Bongsoon Kang. 2022. Design of an FPGA-Based High-Quality Real-Time Autonomous Dehazing System. Remote Sensing, 14(8), 1852.
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  12. Dat Ngo, Gi-Dong Lee, Bongsoon Kang. 2022. Singe Image Dehazing With Unsharp Masking and Color Gamut Expansion. IEEE Access, 10, 102462-102474.
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  13. Dat Ngo, Bongsoon Kang. 2024. A Symmetric Multiprocessor System-on-a-Chip-Based Solution for Real-Time Image Dehazing. Symmetry, 16(6), 653.
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  14. Dat Ngo, Bongsoon Kang. 2024. A novel pipelined architecture of entropy filter. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, 21, 118.

  15. Dat Ngo, Siyeon Han, Bongsoon Kang. 2024. A Unified Hardware Design for Multiplication, Division, and Square Roots Using Binary Logarithms. Symmetry, 16(9), 1138.
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  16. Dat Ngo, Jeongmin Lee, Sun Jae Kwon, Jin Hun Park, Baek Hwan Cho, Jong Wook Chang. 2024. Application of Deep Neural Networks in the Manufacturing Process of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Therapeutics. International Journal of Stem Cells, 0(0), 1-8.
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  17. Siyeon Han, Dat Ngo, Yeonggyu Choi, Bongsoon Kang. 2024. Autonomous Single-Image Dehazing: Enhancing Local Texture with Haze Density-Aware Image Blending. Remote Sensing, 16(19), 3641.
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Conference Papers

  1. Dat Ngo, Bongsoon Kang. 2019. A New Data Preparation Methodology in Machine Learning-based Haze Removal Algorithms. International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC 2019). IEEE.
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  2. Dat Ngo, Bongsoon Kang. 2019. Image Detail Enhancement via Constant-Time Unsharp Masking. Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2019). IEEE.
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  3. Dat Ngo, Seungmin Lee, Bongsoon Kang. 2020. Nonlinear Unsharp Masking Algorithm. International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC 2020). IEEE.
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Released Open Source Tools, Datasets, and Teaching Materials

  1. To be updated.


  • FPGA Design, 2024, School of Computer Engineering & Information Technology, Korea National University of Transportation
  • Embedded Programming, 2024, School of Computer Engineering & Information Technology, Korea National University of Transportation
  • Signals and Systems, 2024, School of Computer Engineering & Information Technology, Korea National University of Transportation
  • Digital Logic Circuits, 2024, School of Computer Engineering & Information Technology, Korea National University of Transportation


Blind image restoration
I am developing a blind image restoration system. The goal is to enhance image visibility under various weather conditions, such as rain, snow, and haze. The approach involves employing both low-level image processing techniques and deep learning. The system will be implemented on a Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU106 Evaluation Kit for real-time verification.

Trusted medical AI
I am developing a reliable artificial intelligence system for medical applications. The goal is to classify and detect various types of diseases from medical images, such as X-ray, OCT, pathological images. The system will not only provide a heatmap to visualize the prediction, but also produce a confidence score to indicate the system's level of confidence in its predictions.